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Test an API with Karate: Part 2

3 min read | 548 words


For the second part of the series, we will learn how to configure the karate configuration file based on our needs and write our first tests.

Configuring Our Karate Project

The karate-config.js file allows you to do things such as set a base Url for all test cases, create global variables, and configure Karate behavior for specific environments where tests will run. For our needs, we will modify the provided config file with the following:

function fn() {
  var config = {
    baseUrl: 'http://localhost:3000/api/',
  return config

In the previous code snippet, we created a baseUrl variable and set it to 'http://localhost:3000/api/', representing the URL used to access the API. Before running the test files, Karate will read the config file making the baseUrl variable available to our tests. We will use the variable inside our test files instead of explicitly entering the API's URL.

Testing the api/clients Endpoint

We will verify that a GET request to api/clients returns a 200 status code and a list of users for our first test. First, let's create a feature file with the following:

Feature: Get Clients

  Scenario: A user can retrieve all clients
    Given url baseUrl
    And path 'clients'
    When method GET
    Then status 200
    And match each response.clients contains {name: '#string', email: '#string', address: '#string', phone: '#number', company: '#string', notes: '#string', id: '#string'}
    And print response

We created a test to verify the "A user can retrieve all clients" scenario for the "Get Clients" feature in the previous code:

  1. We passed in our baseUrl as the url to use in the test.
  2. We added the path 'clients', resulting in "http://localhost:3000/api/clients".
  3. We specify that we're using a GET method to call the API.
  4. After running the API request, we assert the response.

First, we expect the API to return a 200 status. Then, we use match each to iterate over each client object and verify that each client object contains specific properties of type "string" using the #string fuzzy matcher and type "number" using the #number fuzzy matcher. Fuzzy matching is a great Karate feature that allows us to assert dynamic data such as timestamps easily. Finally, we print the API response. Printing the response is useful when we want to see the response data in a precise manner.

Part 2 Review

In review, we added a baseUrl to our configuration file and became familiar with basic Karate features by writing a test for the /api/clients endpoint. Next, we will learn how to test the POST api/add-client route.

The final source code can be found here

Part 3