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Test an API with Karate: Part 5

2 min read | 370 words


In the fifth part of the series, we will test the DELETE api/delete-client route.

Testing the api/delete-client Endpoint

We will verify that a DELETE request to api/delete-client with a user's id and name returns a 200 status and the message "(name) successfully deleted". We can create a feature file with the following:

Feature: Delete Client

    * def getClients = call read('get-clients.feature')
    * def clientList = getClients.response.clients
    * def getLastClient = clientList[clientList.length - 1]
    * def userId =
    * def userName =

  Scenario: A user can delete a client
    Given url baseUrl
    And path 'delete-client'
    And request { id: "#(userId)", name: "#(userName)" }
    When method DELETE
    Then status 200
    And response.message == + " successfully deleted"

In the previous code, we created a userId and userName variable along with variables we've seen in previous tests in the series to access the last client in the database. Inside the Scenario, we pass in the userId variable as the value for id and userName variable as the value for name. When we run the test, we receive a report indicating the test passed:

Delete Client Cucumber Report

The previous screenshot indicates that the test passed with the correct status code and response message.

Part 5 Review

In review, we tested the api/delete-client by accessing the last client added to the database via the "Get Clients" feature, passed in the id and name properties from the data object. Finally, we verified the API returned the correct status code and message.

The final source code can be found here