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Quickly Deploy Static Websites with Surge

3 min read | 432 words


I recently came across a great tool to have in your tool belt. If you are a Web Developer wanting to deploy your static web projects online for the world to see, you need a way to complete this task. Remember that we’re talking about static projects, meaning projects where pages are not created dynamically by a server-side language like NodeJS or Java.

You may be familiar with using Github Pages or Amazon Web Services, for example, to achieve this. However, there is an easier way. Using the command-line interface (CLI), we can use Surge to deploy projects in seconds using the command-line interface (CLI).

Using Basic Surge Commands

Here are the basic commands to deploy projects using surge:


To install the surge cli use:

npm install -g surge

When you’re ready to deploy your project navigate to the directory to deploy and use:


via the cli. You will be prompted to create an account with an email and password so that only you can deploy to the specific domain for your project.

Update & Re-deploy

If you want to update and re-deploy your surge project, just use:

surge --domain

inside the project directory. You can also create a CNAME file in the root of your project with your domain name saved in it (i.e., Then, Surge will automatically look there to find your domain name when you run the surge command.

Deleting a project

If you want to delete a surge project, use:

surge teardown

If you tend to be a visual learning like myself, here is a video illustrating the basic commands of using Surge:

If you have a custom domain, you can use it instead of what Surge provides. There are other features of Surge that you can easily find in their documentation. So that’s it! You’ve been Surged.